When is National Apprenticeship Week?
MIGAS celebrates National Apprenticeship Week in Australia each February. In 2025, this observance week will be held from 10-16 February.
The objectives of National Apprenticeship Week Australia (NAWA) are to:
- Advance the prominence and positioning of Australian Apprenticeships as an attractive and equal tertiary education pathway
- Create greater awareness about apprenticeship and traineeship careers by busting myths, misconceptions and stereotypes
- Keep Australian Apprenticeships on the national agenda to secure continued industry and government support
- Promote the importance and value of diversity, equal access, and participation in apprenticeships and traineeships
- Foster creative and critical thinking about how Australian Apprenticeships look now and into the future
- Showcase the employers investing in, and benefitting from, apprenticeships in their workplace
National Apprenticeship Week Australia is an initiative of MIGAS Apprentices & Trainees.
Learn more and get involved at nationalapprenticeshipweek.com.au.